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Friday, 29 July 2022

Rumi’s 'Union With God':- Mystic Crazy Love Quotes of Rumi, As Explained By Kamaljeet Grewal

Rumi was born Jalal ud-Din Mohammad Rumi (1207 –1273), in present-day Afghanistan to Persian-speaking parents. Although he had many different names, his best-known moniker, "Rumi," means "from Rum" (or Rome), a region in the Byzantine Empire at the time.

A Muslim poet, theologian, Islamic scholar, and jurist, Rumi's influence knew no bounds during his lifetime. Today, his legacy lives on throughout the world.


Rumi: Was a superstar of his time, his poems were POP music of that time. Admired loved and cherished in the East ever since and in the West and globally since the 1990s. Thirteenth Century mystic Rumi’s love poems has taken the world by storm.


Rumi -The great Sufi Poet of mystic Love, of the 13th century has composed his mystic poems and prose works in Persian.


Rumi was the most famous personality in the region and his fame and unique mystic poetic style full of Romance had already spread 3,000 miles away to India during his lifetime.


It's impossible today to imagine how popular poetry of Love with a mix of mystic was at the time of Rumi. It was the pop music of its time. Rumi is sometimes called the Master of Mystic Love because the Sufi path strives for ecstatic ego and annihilation in the fires of Divine Love. 

His Sufi poems and works have the real essence of union with Beloved God, " the primal - The God", the concept of tauhid (Indivisible Oneness of God).


In his poems he added mystical references, direct emotional expressions, issues involving maturity and growth of the soul and even anecdotes about daily life.


Rumi's explanation of love is one of his best-known quotes:-- “This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”

Whirling Darvish

His thoughts about life are also widely known, including "Life is a balance of holding on and letting go."


During his career, Rumi wrote several influential works that are available for reading.


One of the most popular was "The Masani," considered by some to be the Persian Quran equivalent. He's also known for The Divan, another of his main poetry collections. (For Rumi translations, consider reading "The Essential Rumi," "The Illuminated Rumi," and "The Soul of Rumi.")


His writings formed the basis of classical Iranian and Afghan music, and his philosophy provides an excellent introduction to Sufism, a "mystical Islamic belief and practice in which Muslims seek to find the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience of God."


Use these quotes to inspire yourself in all aspects of your life, especially in the pursuit of unconditional love and happiness.


Translation is an art but to explain the poem in simple words, expressing what the poet wants to convey is a science.


It is difficult to follow in depth the message and spirit of Rumi's poems, based only on translations.


Kamaljeet Grewal has filled this gap by explaining the real 

spirit of Rumi’s poem by her explanations.

kamaljeet Grewal

Today I have taken the, Motivation and inspirations by a multi talented Kamaljeet Grewal, on my blog. She is from Kolkata. Widely travelled such as, Canada, Australia, Russia, South Africa, most of Europe, Japan and many other countries.


Her travels have broadened her horizons, added to her wisdom. Today she stands with an understanding that we all are all citizens of one World, with diverse backgrounds, history and culture.


This wisdom has made her an expert interpreter of the works of Rumi, Hafiz, Tagore and many spiritual texts. Though she is not a Sufi scholar, and she has elaborated Rumi's poems in graceful words that hit the hearts of its readers.


She motivates with her thoughts and explanations of Spiritual Masters of the old Golden Period. She is on hot seat of a group “OSIS” on face book, where she replies the question asked by member friends.


Though she is not a Sufi scholar, and she has elaborated Rumi's poems in graceful words that hit the hearts of its readers.


1- All that you think is rain is not...

Behind the veil angels sometimes weep. (Rumi)


Beautiful lines of Rumi...

Every living being...and those on a higher plane, like angels...are yearning to meet the Beloved.

Angels are messengers of God and go about delivering miracles as directed by God ...yet they also yearn to reach God...

Rumi uses symbolism when he likens the rain water to tears of angels...Shed in their yearning to be with God.....

Every being. Whether celestial..divine or mortal is yearning for union with God!


2- Wander with drunks

if you want to know

what they have been hiding.

They will open

the purse - mouth

and spend the lavishness. (Rumi)


These are beautiful inspiring lines of Rumi.


By 'drunks' Rumi means those beings who are drunk by the divine name of God ...These blessed beings never make a show of this precious possession.

They remain intoxicated in this state...feeling one with God.

But if another seeker wishes to join them ..they welcome him ...and then keep nothing hidden from a true seeker.

The new seeker is welcomed and with an open heart shown the beauty of God's name that they have acquired...thus initiating the new seeker.


3- Because of your Love

I have become the giver of Light! (Rumi)


His Love, fills me with a Divine Light, which enlightens and brightens the ambience around, spreading positivity and touching souls around with Love and Light!

Beautiful quote by Rumi.


His Love , fills me with a Divine Light , which enlightens and brightens the ambience around, spreading positivity and touching souls around with Love and Light !


4-When all your desires are distilled

You will cast just two votes...

...To Love more and be happy. (Rumi)


When the youth is spent. And one gives up running in the rat race ...when amassing wealth and hoarding is no more an attraction ...desires are filtered and distilled....they become crystal clear!

One wants to unclutter life!

And one clearly becomes sure of what he wants from life and what he wants to give it too!

The answer is..


To give Love in abundance as one has realised that only in giving Love..lies happiness..

Rumi puts the essence of life in a nutshell!


5-Fall in Love

in such a way

that it frees you

from any connecting. (Rumi)


Beautiful lines of Rumi...


Well, not really if we look at the deeper elements of Rumi thoughts.

We look for Love that binds ...Yet Rumi feels that Love frees one from all connections..


Love never blooms in possession, in fact it chains the free flow of Love.

Love blossoms when it is left free ...It is nurtured by trust and faith ....which again springs up from a freedom  of thoughts ...and one can think like Rumi ....

 6-Take sips of this pure wine

.......being poured.

Do not mind that ..

you have been given ...

an unwashed cup. (Rumi)


Beautiful lines of Rumi.....

If pure wine is being served in the name of the Beloved. ...just enjoy it not break the continuity of the intoxication by looking at the unwashed glass...

An unwashed glass also becomes pure when the wine of His name is being served.

By the 'unwashed cup', Rumi means,  leave behind the mundane jobs of this world and focus on reaching the Beloved .......


7-You were so kind to us last night

that I felt your hand scratching

behind my ears until dawn.

You are a clever pickpocket,

but I have stolen more than you. (Rumi)


In these beautiful lines of the seeker Rumi sees the seeker robbing his gain from the Beloved God ..

At night,  the seeker feels one with God's presence in his prayers.....He feels the presence of God closely much so that a feeling of being touched by God is felt .

The following morning, the seeker seems to feel victorious over God as he says, that God maybe feeling that by going away from His seeker He is robbing him of His close presence. But the seeker feels that he has gained the pleasure of the Beloved’s presence, and that is a treasure he  has got instead of God robbing him ..He has robbed God.

These are very joyous thoughts which all seekers will enjoy with God smiling and showering His blessings from above... 

8--If someday the moon calls you by your name. ...

Don’t get surprised,

because every night I tell her about you. (Rumi)


It is believed that the spoken words have an aura and wings. ..and can reach the one being addressed to...

You have been in my thoughts, despite being far in miles..

In your physical absence, the moon is my true friend with whom I talk about you every night ...It listens with endless patience, calmly absorbing my Love for you ..

My repetition of your name. ..has set in its memory ...I feel you may hear the moon calling you by your name on my behalf, some night ....

(Rumi believed in the presence of God in all its creation.He often spoke to God through the various forms of Nature, sending his messages of Love)


9--Oh Lord,

What kind of fountain

Is the Fountain Of Love

Of which I tasted a drop

And wept a river.(Rumi)


As always, Rumi proclaims that the path of  Love is the only one that leads to the abode of God ...

Once this Divine Love is tasted ...a novel chain of events experiences tears of joy which are unexplainable...tears roll down from the eyes.

unstoppable and untamed ....this flow is followed by a unique feeling of solace, which may have never be experienced before..


10--When I'm sad. ..

Your Love comes to me,

with a thousand smiles. (Rumi)


The reasons of my sadness can be various ...Yet when I think of your Love..all sorrows and cares seem to melt away..your smiles are therapeutic and gracious which light up your face. The radiance of which dims all my anguish and agony..

All my tribulations seem to get buried in the magical flood of your assuring smiles

The End

Disclaimer–Blogger has prepared this short write over love quotes  of "Master RUMI" with help of materials and images available on net. Images on this blog are posted to make the text interesting. The materials and images are the copy right of original writers. The copyright of these materials are with the respective owners. Blogger is thankful to original writers.


Sunday, 24 July 2022

Story of Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran. The Once-Powerful Monarch:- Desperately Seeking Refuge Wandering From Country to Country. A Fairy Tale Ends In Exile in Tears. Died in exile in Egypt in 1980

इन्किलाब खवाह कितना ही पुराना कयों होजाये, उसकी दास्तान हमेशा ताज़ा रहती है. ज़माना उसको बार बार दोहराता है, फरक सिर्फ नाम मक़ाम और वक़्त का होता है.


The once-powerful monarch who had ruled from the majestic Peacock Throne

As the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Aryamehr, 59, flew out with his queen, Farah, for a 'holiday' abroad; a fairy tale came to an end. His Imperial Highness, whose claim of belonging to a 2,500-year-old dynasty of emperors.


The Shah left Iran in exile on 16 January 1979, as the last Persian monarch, leaving his duties to a regency council and Shapour Bakhtiar, who was an opposition-based prime minister.


Ayatollah Khomeini was invited back to Iran by the government, and returned to Tehran to a greeting by several thousand Iranians.


The royal reign collapsed shortly after, on 11 February, when guerrillas and rebel troops overwhelmed troops loyal to the Shah in armed street fighting, bringing Khomeini to official power.

The Shah never returned to Iran. He died in exile in Egypt in 1980.


Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran on 1 February after 14 years' exile.

He threw out Dr Bahktiar's government on 11 February and, after a referendum, declared an Islamic Republic on 1 April. Khomeini guided his country's revolutionary social, legal, and political development until his death in 1989.


The year was 1979. His Imperial Majesty, the Shahanshah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran, was homeless and gravely ill.


The once-powerful monarch who had ruled a modern prosperous country for 37 years from the majestic Peacock Throne, commanded a powerful army and controlled massive oil wealth, had been driven out of Iran by the followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Queen Farha Pahlavi

He was now desperately seeking refuge, wandering from country to country, while battling a terminal illness, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a form of cancer of the immune system.


The Pahlavi dynasty

The Pahlavi family reigned over Iran from 1925 to 1979. Founding father Reza Shah Pahlavi was born Reza Khan and came from a humble background.


He soon rose up the ranks from soldier to military leader to oust the last ruler of the Qajar dynasty, which consolidated power in the late 1780s.


Reza Shah held court until 1941, when a British and Russian invasion forced him to abdicate. His son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, took over.


The younger Pahlavi wasn’t as beloved or as confident a ruler as his father. But then the tides turned, at least for a bit, in his favor. In 1953, the United States and Britain were confronted with a problem:


Iranian nationalist leader Mohammad Mossadegh had been elected prime minister and was pushing to nationalize Iran’s oil industry, in which the two Western powers were heavily invested.

In the political upheaval, the shah fled. So the CIA and M16, loath to lose access to Iran’s markets, orchestrated a coup to oust Mossadegh and return the shah. Iran’s ruler was now back — and determined to hold on to power.


  “At the same time, there is a reason there was a popular revolution against the shah. The monarchy was facing a crisis of legitimacy because of the political repression of the shah’s regime.”


In February, pro-Khomeini revolutionary guerrilla and rebel soldiers had taken over the street fighting. The military stepped to the side and, on the evening of 11th February 1977, the Shah’s reign was over.


The revolutionaries had won. The Iranian monarchy was formally abolished, and Iran was declared an Islamic Republic led by Khomeini, who took over the reins of power.

Shah Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran Leaving Iran

The Revolutionary government in Iran ordered the arrest (and later execution) of the Shah and the Shahbanu.


The Shah and his family had already fled into exile to Egypt on 16th January 1979, as Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and First Lady Jehan Al Sadat were personal friends.


However, Iran started pressing for extradition. Over the next 14 months, to keep trouble at bay, one by one country around the world shut their doors on the royal family. After Egypt, the Pahlavis stayed briefly in Morocco as guests of King Hassan II.


It was estimated that the Shah had a personal fortune of $1 billion. Despite this wealth, the family had nowhere to go.

The Pahlavis headed to the Caribbean, where they were granted temporary refuge in the Bahamas on Paradise Island, which the Empress recalled as the “darkest days in her life.


 ” The Shah tried to buy the island for $425 million, but his offer was rejected. Next stop was South America.

Khomeini Returned to  IRAN .1979 After 14 Years of Exile

Mexico issued them a short visa and they moved into a rented villa in Cuernavaca near Mexico City.


The stress took a toll and the Shah’s long-term illness of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system, rapidly got worse.

They got permission to seek medical treatment in the U.S. Iranis became incensed with the U.S. government for harboring the Shah and they attacked the American Embassy in Tehran.

Khomeini returned to Iran in 1979 after 14 years of exile

The bungled attempt by the U.S. to rescue the Americans Embassy staff and citizens that were held hostage for 444 days became known as the Iran hostage crisis. 

Again, the Shah and his family became a liability to the host nation and were asked to leave. This time, they headed to Contadora Island, Panama.

Learning that, succumbing to Irani pressure, the Panamanian Government wanted to arrest the Shah and extradite him to Iran, Farah pleaded with Jehan Al Sadat to let them return to Egypt.


With the Shah engaged in a life-and-death struggle with cancer, the US Government wanted him to leave the country. Former queen Farah Pahlavi in desperation contacted Jehan Sadat, wife of the President of Egypt for help.


In the face of dire threats from Iran and opposition from domestic extremists, President Sadat bravely extended an invitation to them to come to Egypt. He personally welcomed the bedraggled royal family at the airport and lodged them at the stately Koubbeh Palace.


Life of Her Imperial Majesty Queen Farah Pahlavi in exile

After the Shah's death, the exiled Shahbanu remained in Egypt for nearly two years. She was the regent in pretence from 27 July to 31 October 1980.President Anwar Sadat gave her and her family use of Koubbeh Palace in Cairo.


A few months after President Sadat's assassination in October 1981, the Shahbanu and her family left Egypt. President Ronald Reagan informed her that she was welcome in the United States.

 The End

Disclaimer–Blogger has prepared this short write up with help of materials and images available on net. Images on this blog are posted to make the text interesting. The materials and images are the copy right of original writers. The copyright of these materials are with the respective owners. Blogger is thankful to original writers.