Saturday, 14 April 2018

Management Tips: Words That Should Never Be Used In Resume.These words may spoil your dreams.

Here are the words and phrases you should never use in your Resume. These some worst, dumbest and most overused words and phrases, very common should never be use in resume. Recruiters, HR’s the hiring managers seeing these terms used over and over again, makes them irritated.They spare hardly six or eight seconds on each resume, things get pretty repetitious.

After all, you’re supposed to show your professional skills and achievements into one or two pages in a way that makes employers want to hire you on the spot.

 No matter how awesome your experience, qualifications and accomplishments all look on paper, the words you use to present yourself as a viable candidate can do more harm than good.

1. Dynamic

This word is drastically overplayed,If someone is a 'dynamic' Engineer, what does that mean? Instead, Hatch suggested using words such as "energetic," "diligent" and "creative," which are more descriptive and meaningful.

2. Hard Working
Have you ever heard the term “show -- don’t tell”? This is where that might apply. Anyone can call himself a hard worker. It’s a lot more convincing if you describe situations in concrete detail in which your hard work benefited an employer.

3. Team Player
See the preceding comment about showing instead of telling. There are very few jobs that don’t involve working with someone else. If you have relevant success stories about collaboration, put them on your resume. Talk about the kinds of teams you worked on, and how you succeeded.

4. Motivated
Everyone considers themselves to be "motivated," and they want potential employers to know that. They have lost their strength and now make potential employers roll their eyes.Being motivated is fine, and it's even okay to include in your job applications, but if you want to stand out from the crowed, you need to throw in a few application-specific modifiers. 

5. Creative

Words like ‘creative’ and ‘innovative’ have been so overused that they’ve lost all meaning. Besides, describing yourself this way is your opinion and allows an employer to learn nothing about you.A much better way to use this word would be: ‘Worked alongside a team of creative people’–this essentially links you to creativity without tooting your own horn so loudly.

6. Results-Driven

One of the main reasons employers hire people is because they expect them to see a project through to the end and accomplish the results they had set out to do. Otherwise, why bother? Why hire someone who only does their job halfway and then gives up? In other words, this particular phrase is dispensable in resume. You could, of course, talk about a target you exceeded or an important deadline you met, but whatever you do, try to avoid saying you’re ‘results-driven’.

7. Extensive Experience-

Saying that you have ‘extensive experience’ or that you’re ‘highly qualified’ won’t necessarily make you seem better suited for the job you’re applying for. On the contrary, it might have the opposite effect. Generally speaking, these are filler words and don’t add any value to your professional background. Another phrase you should avoid is ‘seasoned professional’; it makes you seem much, much older than what you probably are and it also conjures up images of barbequed steak.

8. Responsible/Reliable

When people list this, what are they hoping to convey? That they show up to work on time? Well, that’s something you should be doing anyway. Does it mean you adequately fulfill the basic duties listed in your job description? Again, that’s what you’re supposed to do. It’s what is expected of you.

If you find yourself filling out your resume with items bragging about how you routinely do the minimum essentials of the job, stop. Highlight your greatest strengths and most extraordinary feats, not the pedestrian.Turn phrases like “responsible for” into “managed,” “led” or other decisive, strong verbs.

 9. Communication Skills

Your Resume should be as different as possible from that of the competition. That means avoiding overused words and phrases like “communication skills” which appear on practically every application a recruiter comes across.And what exactly does “excellent communication skills” even mean, anyway? Does it mean you can type an email? Does it mean you’re able to speak? Remember: a well-written Resume will demonstrate your communication abilities, so there’s really no need to highlight them under a heading.

10. Salary Negotiable
You’re wasting a precious line of your resume on this term. The word “salary” should not be used anywhere in your Resume.Leave talk of salary expectations for when you receive a job offer – otherwise, you might not even receive one at all. It’s one of the worst things you can ever put on your Resume.

11. Honest

Mentioning you’re an honest individual does not quite elicit trust in you. On the contrary, it might make employers suspicious of you and think you’re trying to hide something. Remember that honesty should be a given and not a special talent.

12. Punctual

Being punctual is pretty much expected of everyone who has a job and who wants to keep it. There’s really no need to highlight basic things like arriving to work on time. It’s dumb, meaningless and a complete and utter waste of space.

13. Flexible

Bragging about your flexibility is pretty much like being proud of tying your own shoes. Look around! For most workers today, things change at breakneck speed. Technological advances change our jobs on what seems like a daily basis, and employees know being able to adapt is no longer a feather in one’s cap – it’s a basic requirement for just about every position.
So instead of wasting precious resume down the word “flexible” to describe yourself, showcase your flexibility by listing accomplishments in your work experience.

14. Hobbies

Remember, this is a professional document whose sole purpose is to provide recruiters with insight into your skills and achievements – it is no place to talk about your love of hiking or, worse, socializing with friends. Unless they’re relevant to the job you’re applying to, you should leave your hobbies off completely.

15. References available

This formerly popular resume phrase has become outdated.Hiring managers hate seeing resumes that say "References available upon request." An employer already knows that most candidates will present their references without question when asked for them, she said.

15. References available

This formerly popular resume phrase has become outdated.Hiring managers hate seeing resumes that say "References available upon request." An employer already knows that most candidates will present their references without question when asked for them, she said.
Summerising above article “The Management Tip: Words that should never be used in resume.These words may spoil your dreams”. You’re wasting your precious resume space by including the Overused Buzzwords.You have a limited amount of time to catch a recruiter or hiring manager’s eye – use it wisely and advised  never to use in Resume.

Posted by Engr Maqbool Akram. Author of this write-up is Guest Blogger Sheeba Siddiqui an HR Expert.Images are from net with Thanks.

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